what is coaching?
Coaching is a set of one-on-one (or small group) conversations, designed to help you find the potential, power, and pathway to achieve specific results in your life, career, or leadership. Coaching is helpful when things are going well, to help you reach a new level; when you feel stagnant, to spark momentum; or when you're feeling stuck, to create strategies for development.
Coaching is different from therapy, consulting, personal training, or other similar disciplines. A few of the unique hallmarks of Audacity Coaching are laid out below...
Audacity coaching style...
You're in the driver's seat
We believe you have all the power and solutions inside you already, so we focus on asking questions to help you discover, clarify, and strategize. We don't have content to teach, an agenda to get through, or a course to follow... Instead, we work on whatever is important to you!
solution - oriented, results-focused
Current research in brain-science tells us to keep our focus on new solution-paths, rather than problem-solving. As we create new habit-loops, we will see the results we're looking for. So, we dream up creative solutions (goals), create strategies, and take action steps that help our brains wire new patterns and transform our lives.
Once we've discovered a vision for where to go, and crafted a strategy to see results, the only obstacle in our way is our own fear or insecurity. Every coaching session functions as a courage re-fueling station, giving you the boldness (audacity) to take the next step of growth. Positive life-change is more about the process than the destination.